Friday, 14 February 2014

Immortality (after a fashion)

So this is a thing that happens when I write: the nearer I get to the end of any project, the slower I go. It's an exponential and irritating decrease. I go from an easy 5000 a day at the start to a clawed and desperate 200 words if I'm lucky, in between bouts of staring at an unchanging screen. There's not even enough distraction on the internet to justify the levels of avoidance I get to. And don't get me started on the sudden upsurge of urgent real life errands that absolutely must be done right now.

It's probably something to do with the terror of finishing anything and the implications of the huge looming consequences. If I finish a short story or a novel I don't have any excuse not to submit it somewhere.

Submitting stuff is scary. I don't deal well with rejection. I have enough people who view my writing as a cute, endearing little hobby already; while it'd be nice to prove them wrong, the pity and knowing exchanges when I try and fail will be far worse than the current condescension. The odds of acceptance versus rejection are not in my favour. Much safer just to always have something almost finished, really.

Why yes, I am about five sentences shy of a completed short story and writing a quick blog post instead, why do you ask?

And yes, I am writing that short story instead of editing Dryden as I should be...

There's always a way to make my projects live forever.


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