Monday 24 March 2014

Prep work

Today was slow to experience and quick to pass by. The little I got done was mostly invisible work; plots and plans and concepts coming together, deciding on a few important worldbuilding points for one novel and spotting a couple of flaws in another, realising the thing I want to write most at the moment is, helpfully, next in sequence for Hanith's short stories, getting scenes straight in my head.

It was hard work to get anything done aside from that. I got lost in plots for too long and ate and drank far too late as a result, so have had a headache most of the day, which in turn has prevented me from doing much else. I did manage to send my friend in the US (see yesterday) current completed short stories, though, and dealt with a necessary and very unpleasant family matter.

Oh, and there was the X-Men trailer, which warmed the cockles of my geeky heart. I am a shameless Marvel fangirl and rather looking forward to this.

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