Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Barbecue sauce makes everything better

Today started surprisingly well, with actual breakfast at a reasonable time. I haven't had cereal since... er... December, perhaps? So that made a nice change. I even managed to break the solemn Rice Krispie rituals and eat from something other than a wide, flat bowl, and use an implement other than the one particular spoon I always favour. Heresy and blasphemy.

I spent most of the day progressing Tick Tock - it's now cleared 4500 words and is gearing up properly. (Gearing, get it? Steampunk, clockwork, see? Ah, such a card.) Did a lot of random research on Victoriana and clockwork terminology for a few tiny little details, and hope I might be able to get it to hang together now, too. Started to hit the sweet spot of Write Now, Edit Later, where things actually get done. But I absolutely must get to The End tomorrow if I want any feedback from anyone before submission deadline. And boy, will it need editing.

In the gaps in between writing sprints, while my brain cooled down, I managed to catch up on How I Met Your Mother (I am going to miss that show a lot when it finishes), and admire the ingenuity and wonderful playfulness of Cardboard Box Office - seriously, check that one out. It's utterly glorious how creative and fun they're being. Every time I look at it I want to do better, to put more fun into the world. Who knew cardboard boxes could be so inspirational?

Other things I managed to do: use some of the leftover pork from the roast to make really exceedingly nice barbecue pork sandwiches for dinner, sort through lots of photos of some of my old cosplays and find that actually they're mostly quite good fun (I may do a photo post soon), and talk to friends I don't see often enough via Skype.

Not bad, all round.

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